Let God Give the Increase

For a few weeks I have been very troubled in my spirit by visions and impressions I have been receiving from the Lord.

Multiple times God has spoken to me and revealed situations where people are being EXPLOITED in ministry, where they are being “used” for the gifting God has placed within them.

This is not the will of God.

We should want to receive and glean from what God has placed in others but when we “use” that gifting for our own personal gain we are in essence using God and His gifts as well as His children, for they are not our own.

Multiple times, in the last few weeks I have seen ladders. When I saw these ladders the Lord revealed to me many are trying to climb these ladders in their own strength and ways. They think they are excelling in “ministry” by climbing these ladders. However, they are climbing and entering through ways not ordained by God which is truly hindering their walk with Me- says God.

It’s a facade. It looks good and may even feel good but is not the perfect will of God. It’s not true increase given by the Lord. When He does the increasing no climbing is necessary, it all happens organically with correct intentions of the heart.

Now to more detailed and specific visions the Lord has given me over the last few weeks.

In one vision, I saw a minister literally stepping on other people, multiple people, to get to the top of the ladder.

This is not the will of God. The person may make it to the top, but they will be unable to stay there due to the motives of their heart and the tricks they used to get there.

Another specific vision was a minister desperately trying to climb a mountain with another minister behind them. Ever so often, they would stop and the second minister would pop up with a sign smiling like they had reach a marker within a race. Sadly, the second minister was unknowing of anything being done for selfish ambition, they were just excited to see what God was doing. However, they were being used and exploited by the first minister.

Again- this is not the will of God and will be dealt with by the sovereign God in His way and in His timing.

Last, but not least, and possibly the most troubling, I saw a man’s face and hand. I understood the Man to be Jesus. He looked very different than I had ever seen Him before due to being so close. The vision was very detailed and it was as if I was in the vision with Him. It was very real, not just something in my spirit, but I was there, with Jesus, watching this happen.

His thumb and forefinger seemed huge. His nose was highlighted and a major focus. I then saw Him grab a piece of wheat 🌾 and bring it toward His nose. I could tell it was pleasing to Him like a wonderful fragrance was being released. He released that piece then grabbed another piece of what I thought to be wheat, but when He got it to His nostrils I could tell it didn’t smell good to Him by His facial expression. He quickly removed it from Himself. I believe this to be a tare.

I immediately was taken to the scripture discussing how pride (thinking our way is right) is a stench in the nostrils of God (Isaiah 65).

We should always be advancing forward and going higher in God but never at the expense of others, our own integrity, or the possibility of attempting to take the glory that belongs to God and God alone.

Let’s pray for sincere repentance, meaning a change of mind which will lead to a change of heart and action, for those who have been affected by this. It’s a trick of the enemy to hinder the work of God and the people of God. God is sending out a clarion call for purity not only in action but also in motive.

Purify us, oh God. Purge Your Body. Purify Your Bride. Cleanse us and purify us. Create a pure, clean heart within us, oh mighty God. Psalm 41:10


I heard this phrase over and over last week after I almost ran my car into the exact same ditch where I wrecked nearly eight and a half years ago while pregnant with my youngest son. I immediately started wondering, “Why this same place and why now?” I drive down this road on almost a daily basis and many times multiple times a day. That’s when I began to think about the enemy and how he has specific patterns of attack. Just like how the word says there’s nothing new under the sun. The enemy has no new attacks. He uses the same tactics over and over.

As I began to pray about this, I remembered being pregnant when I wrecked and how by the grace of God my baby was absolutely fine, but the enemy’s plan was to abort my baby. He wasn’t able to take him out that day, so he tried again during birth. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck three times, his face was blue, and he didn’t cry when he came out. You have no idea unless you have been there, the fear, the paralyzing fear, that strikes you as a mother when your baby comes out and doesn’t make a sound. The nurse suctioned him, and he began to cry. I was relieved, but he was still blue. The nurse began giving him oxygen and his lips turned red. She said that meant that he had not been without oxygen long and there shouldn’t be any complications. He was an absolutely beautiful baby but the blue and purple bruising from lack of oxygen didn’t go away immediately. I dealt with fear for many years, questioning, “Would he develop correctly, would he be able to learn and keep up with others his age, would there be any learning difficulties?” Again, by the grace of God, I have a healthy, very healthy, smart and vibrant son who will be eight years old in May.

So, I began to question the Lord further concerning the connection between now and then. His answer was shocking. Satan wanted to destroy my natural baby then, he wishes to destroy my spiritual baby now. This word is not only for me, but for many others. You are carrying something that God wishes to use for His glory, but the enemy wishes to destroy. This ironically all tied in with a dream I had recently about an abortion clinic. I feel that what happened brought complete and full clarity and confirmation to what God was showing me through the dream. The enemy is trying to abort many spiritual babies.

Some are aborting their babies through reasoning, trying to understand everything, including the scriptures, carnally rather than spiritually which biblically brings forth death. Religion is killing many through doubt and thinking it must be a certain way. Many others are losing their spiritual babies because they have lost their focus and their passion. Their minds and hearts are not focused upon the One who placed the seed there in the first place. He is the only One who can plant the seed, and He is the only One who can allow it to fully come forth. If we don’t keep our gaze fully upon Him, it can cause us to abort, miscarry, deliver prematurely, or even birth something that is not of God or not God’s plan and purpose for our life.

Don’t allow this to be you. Don’t abort your baby. Don’t give up now. It’s not time to quit or allow the enemy to have your baby, your vision, your dream. It’s almost time to birth. Don’t lose your focus. Keep your eyes upon Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith, and push!!!

Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the LORD. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God.  Isaiah 66:9

What Time Is It?

Recently, in the Spirit I could see my right forefinger and middle finger tapping my left wrist where I would wear a watch.  I had been considering getting a watch for some time because I had started having trouble running late.  So, at first, I dismissed what I was seeing and thought, “Oh, God is trying to tell me I need to get a watch, so I can be on time.” But I saw it again.  This time I thought, “Ok, God is trying to tell me, it’s time- time to build, time to work.”  I thought this because we were getting ready to go into the New Year and I had been seeking the Lord for direction.  This is when God became much clearer, because honestly, I was allowing my mind to try to discern what He was trying to show me instead of taking time to slow down and allow God to reveal to me what He was trying to say by His Spirit. 

This time, I saw a clock.  I heard, “Time is wrapping up.”  He brought the clock before me more than one time.  Each time the hour hand was almost at the 12 and the minute hand was at the 11. The minute hand moved extremely fast to the 12, confirming what I was hearing, “Time is wrapping up.”  It was then that I knew I needed to slow down and pay attention and really seek the face of God for what He was trying to reveal to me.  As I got still, the first thing that came to me was the blood moon from 2019, I was then taken to the last full moon of the year that was so beautiful and bright.  It took some time in prayer and study for the fullness to be uncovered, but what He revealed was amazing. 

The blood moon occurred on January 20-21 of 2019 with a full eclipse at 12:12 am.  The last full moon of 2019 began on 12-12 with it reaching its fullness at 12:12 am on 12-13.  Do you see all these twelves?  Anyone who knows me well, knows I absolutely love numbers.  There are meanings behind numbers.  God does nothing by happenstance.  There is always meaning behind what He does.  Just like completing creation in six days and resting on the seventh day.  Six is the number of man, seven is the number of completion and perfection, eight is the number of new beginnings, but 12 is not a number that you hear about quite as much.  However, it holds great significance.  The number twelve represents governmental authority.  Think about it.  When Jesus chose his disciples, He picked 12.  When the disciples became apostles after Christ’s ascension, there were 12 set in order.  In Acts chapter one, Matthias was chosen by casting lots to be the 12th apostle due to Judas’ betrayal and death.  It wasn’t until he was chosen and the full twelve were once again set in order that the Spirit of God could be poured out on the Day of Pentecost. 

Now, some of you may be saying, the moon and numbers, I don’t know about all of that and that’s okay.  I was like that at one time as well.  I was never one to really say a whole lot about what I thought God was doing concerning the signs in the sky, but His word is very plain…Acts 2:19 quotes Joel 2:20 where God says that He “will show wonders in the heavens above and signs in the earth beneath, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.”  If that’s not clear enough and still has you questioning, especially after the blood connected with wonders in the heavens above, listen to this next scripture.  This was the one the Lord used to really get my attention.  Psalm 89:37 refers to the moon as the faithful witness in the sky- “It shall be established forever like the moon, even like the faithful witness in the sky.”

I believe God used His faithful witness, the moon, to even warn us that time is wrapping up.  If we cannot discern the times due to the state of the world we live in or by the fulfilling of biblical scripture, we have been sorely misled.  I’m not saying this to be doom and gloom, but rather the opposite.  If we are Christ’s and He is ours, end times should not be a scary thing or a depressing thing but exactly the opposite.  We should be rejoicing because our King, our Bridegroom, the Lover of our soul is soon coming for us!!! We should be excited about His soon return.  I am not saying anything specific is going to happen at any specific time.  I am not a date setter, but I am saying that God is speaking, and we should definitely take heed. 

The meaning God revealed about the blood moon and the last full moon each reaching their fullness at 12:12 am was absolutely glorious, in my opinion.  He revealed that the blood moon was a reminder that the blood has been applied, the blood of Jesus has been applied and He took His rightful place of authority.  He said, we needed to be reminded of that, of His bloodshed and His authority.  The last full moon of 2019 was one of the biggest, brightest, most beautiful moons I have ever seen in my life.  It looked like a huge white, glowing light.  He revealed this is like His glowing, white bride made pure and white as snow once the blood has been applied.  She is then prepared for battle and all authority is given to her as the Bride of Christ.  God wants us to receive the finished work of the cross through His blood, take our rightful place of authority as the shining Bride of Christ and occupy until He comes.  There’s work to be done.  Know who you are and whose you are and let’s get to work.  Time is wrapping up.

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1 

Amanda Sexton

Send Me, Don’t Use Me

I had heard a few people talk about being sent- not used by God, but the importance of it went right over my head until Tuesday, November 27th 2018, when I had a dream that turned into a vision.

In the dream, I saw a fence made out of iron bars. It looked perfectly constructed. The iron bars were square. There were people on each side of the fence. It looked like thousands on each side.

The people on the left side of the fence were standing and crying out to God, some were yelling, some were crying, but the ones who were speaking were saying “Use me Lord. Why not me Lord? When is it my turn Lord? Why them, and not me Lord? Why can’t I be used just one more time Lord?” It was scary and saddening, because they all seemed to have a common sound and spirit about them. They were all beggars. They were begging God to use them. Some of them had Bibles in their hands but not all of them. Some were frantic. Some were irate. Some were angry. Some were on their knees pounding the ground with their fists, angrily demanding to be used over others, but some, maybe fifty or so were gripping the bars of the fence with their hands and just watching with intensity what the multitude on the right side were doing.

All the people on the right side of the fence were standing on their Bibles with their arms stretched out, hands open, and palms up, as to receive. They were ALL giving thanks to the lord. They were thanking Him for saving them, for their families, and for the many blessings that He had bestowed upon them. They actually said these exact words and much more, but for the most part, they were giving thanks.

“Enter into His gates with thanksgiving and into His courts with praise: be thankful unto Him, and bless His name.”  Psalm 100:4

As they were giving thanks with their hands stretched out and palms up in a receiving position, they all started asking God to send them. That’s what stood out to me later as I started to process the dream. The ones on the left were begging to be used, but the ones on the right were asking to be sent.

“Also I heard the voice of the Lord, saying, whom shall I send, and who will go for Us? Then said I, Here I am; send me.”  Isaiah 6:8

As the group on the right side of the fence began saying these things, the glory of the Lord started to shine on all of them. Every single one of them began to shine brightly. There were thousands of beams of light, as if there was one for every single person.

All the while the multitude on the left continued begging and pleading with God to use them. Some were clinching the fence and observing intensely. Then all the ones gripping the fence grabbed Bibles, began to stand on them, stretched out their arms, and turn their palms upward to receive. Then they began giving thanks to the Lord and asking Him to send them, but not all of them were being specific with what they were thankful for. Nothing happened to them or for them immediately like the group on the right side.

Then I woke up, sitting up on my bed, I immediately went into a vision that was exactly like the dream. It picked up right where the dream left off. I then saw a gate open up, and all the people on the right exited into the left side and proceeded past the group on the left down a hill.

The ones that had started copying what the right group had done and were specific about what they were thankful for were allowed to enter through the gate to the right side of the fence. New people came up the hill and the process began all over again.

As I started getting my bearings straight from that experience, it became clear to me that it’s all about the heart. God saw the hearts of those on the left as well as those on the right. We can’t fool God. Those on the left were given the opportunity to observe how it’s done, get it right, and follow accordingly.

There’s a huge difference in asking to be used and asking to be sent. If we ask to be used, most of the time we’ve already got our minds made up as to how we want to be used, and usually it’s right where we are, and in a specific way, but that’s not God. If we are truly to serve and make it about God’s people then we must ask to be sent. This gets us out of the way. We can be sent for the work of the body of Christ and what is needed instead of what we want.

We need to ask ourselves why we are wanting to be used. If we just want to be used, then who benefits? Not God’s people, but us! We must ask to be sent! For the building and equipping of the saints, because only God knows exactly what is needed.

We can’t ask for the microphone in the pulpit, if we’re not willing to grab the broom for the parking lot. We can’t ask for access to a platform until we’re willing to grab the mop for the bathroom. Ministry is ministry. It’s about servanthood to God’s people, not you, not me, but God and His people.

I’m not talking about new converts here or people still trying to establish a relationship with Jesus. I’m talking about those who want to step out in ministry. Never beg God to be used, that’s the expression of a servant, not a son, a slave, not a child of God. We are heirs of God, joint heirs with Christ. (Romans 8:17).

Jamie Sexton

Leadership Keys-Love and Wisdom- A Heart for God’s People

Many talk about Solomon’s request for wisdom, but I’ve never heard anyone talk about his love for God’s people or his recognition of the great responsibility placed in His hands to lead God’s people. If you really look at Solomon’s request for wisdom, it’s plain to see that he understood the magnitude of the call upon his life and the responsibility for which it carried. He realized in a sense he was holding God’s people in his hands. He realized that he was not just doing a job or serving as a king but he was an overseer of God’s people, God’s precious children, His chosen ones. The ones He had watched over and kept even through all their disobedience and mistakes, yet He loved them and cared for them anyway and was continually merciful.

We can all learn from this, especially leaders. We all as children of God have a call from God to serve God’s people in some capacity, but those of us in leadership carry a greater responsibility to love and care for God’s people as He would. Let’s learn from Solomon’s request and the cry of his heart concerning God’s people.

Solomon’s prayer in I Kings 3:9 starts out by saying, “Therefore give to Your servant an understanding heart to judge Your people, that I may discern between good and evil. For who is able to judge this great people of Yours?” II Chronicles 1:10 records the same account but states that he asked specifically for wisdom and knowledge. They have the same meaning, but I love how I Kings reads, because he knew it was a heart issue. He knew it was about the heart. He knew he had to have his heart right before God, toward God, and toward God’s people to serve them in the capacity in which he was called to do.

Yes, I know, King Solomon made some mistakes along the way as did his father King David, but in the beginning I believe Solomon had his father’s heart. I believe David not only had a heart after God but a heart for God’s people. David had to have unreal love not only toward God but also toward His people. He loved and honored Saul in spite of what he did. He had more than one chance to kill him, but he didn’t and wouldn’t allow his men to harm him either.

We see this exact same thing with Solomon. II Chronicles 1:11-12 goes on to say, “Then God said to Solomon: ‘Because this was in your heart and you have not asked riches or wealth or honor or the life of your enemies, nor have you asked long life—but have asked wisdom and knowledge for yourself, that you may judge My people over whom I have made you king—wisdom and knowledge are granted to you; and I will give you riches and wealth and honor, such as none of the kings have had who were before you, nor shall any after you have the like.” God saw his heart. He didn’t just hear his words and his prayer. He saw and heard his sincere heart’s cry. His heart was for God and God’s people.

We should all take a moment to really search ourselves and ask ourselves some hard questions. What are we asking for? Is our heart really in serving? Are we just doing what we think everyone wants us to do or expects us to do or are we doing what we really feel called to do and have a passion in our heart to do? Is our heart right before God? Is our heart right toward God and toward His people? Do we truly have a love for God and His people or have we grown cold and are now just going through the motions?

I know these are some hard questions, but they are needed questions for all of us, especially leaders. If we want the people of God to love God and love His people, we are going to have to love God and love His people. If we want God’s people to grow and use wisdom, we are going to have to grow and use wisdom and lead with and by love and wisdom.

King Solomon led not only by wisdom but also by love. He used love to judge. One of the most talked about stories relating to Solomon was when he judged between the two mothers. One of their babies had died. They were both claiming the living baby. He ordered a sword to be brought to him to cut the baby in half, so each mother could have half of the baby. The real mother cried out for him not to do it and to give the baby to the other mother. King Solomon knew right then that she was the real mother. She had such love for her baby that she was willing to give the baby away to save it. This is true love.

Lord, help us to grow in love and wisdom. Teach us to use love and wisdom as we lead others.

Amanda Sexton



The topic of this blog is not something I would normally write about; however, I have been unable to get away from it for a few months now. Every time I try to move away from it, the Lord draws me back to it. Therefore, I know it is not only extremely important for me as an intercessor as well as other intercessors but also for the body of Christ as a whole. I feel this is a huge warning and a serious cry for intercession.

Over a year ago, I had a very startling vision. It was nothing like what I normally see. In the vision, I saw Jezebel begin to form on the right. She looked unlike what I expected Jezebel to look like. However, I knew by the Spirit it was Jezebel. She had very long, straight, coal black hair with the top half of her hair braided in what looked something like a French braid. Her face was painted white and black, it looked almost like a mask but wasn’t. To the left, which would have been Jezebel’s right side, I saw a python appear. The python looked almost like a cartoon character. It was straight up and down like it was standing, and its face was turned to the side like it was choking with its tongue hanging out. I then saw another serpent type creature come into the scene. This creature began to wrap around and intertwine Jezebel and Python. The Spirit revealed to me immediately that this was Leviathan, the crooked, twisted serpent. The last thing I saw was a red dragon hovering over the other three. After I saw the red dragon, I kept hearing the “Great Whore Babylon.”

After much time in prayer and study, the Spirit began to open my eyes to see this is how much of the church, the body of Christ, is being deceived concerning false doctrines, specifically the hyper grace doctrine and universalism.

For those of you who do not understand the doctrines I just mentioned, in short, the hyper grace doctrine basically states that you can live however you want and do whatever you want and grace will cover it. This however is not true at all. I believe those who are being deceived by this doctrine and living this way are trampling the Son of God and His blood underfoot (Hebrews 10:29). Universalism teaches that there is one god, everyone believes in the same god, and there is no hell. However, Jesus tells us very plainly in scripture that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no one can go to the Father but by Him (John 14:6). The Bible is very clear about there being One, True God and that hell is a reality.

Now let’s look at how these spirits are at work to deceive God’s people.
Jezebel’s goal has always been to lead the church into sexual immorality, not only in the natural sense but also in the spiritual sense. We have been seeing this spirit working prevalently within the body of Christ for some time. Sexual immorality has been accepted not only among the congregation but even within many pulpits. This should not be so. Grace does not cover a lifestyle of sin and many are being led astray by this false doctrine and those who preach this will have the blood of others’ required upon their hands.

When Jezebel is unable to get God’s people to commit sexual immorality in the natural, she lures them into committing spiritual adultery against the Lord through idolatry by worshipping and serving other gods. This has always been her goal and will always be her goal (I Kings, Revelation 2).

Python is being used to quench the Spirit of God from flowing and to hinder prayer and intercession (Acts 16). A python squeezes its victim. This is what is happening to much of the church today. The Spirit of Truth is being squeezed and choked out. The agenda behind this is to allow Jezebel to lead the people of God astray while this python spirit quenches the Spirit of God so there is no conviction power (John 16:8). If the Spirit of God is hindered, there will be no conviction of sin; therefore, Jezebel can continue to reign and keep the people of God deceived and in their sin. Leviathan is then used to twist the truth. The fact that there is some truth is what makes it so easy for some to be deceived when this spirit is at work.

Now to look at the red dragon, the red dragon according to the book of Revelation is Satan. The Great Harlot of Babylon rides in on the scarlet beast/ the red dragon in Revelation 17. The word Babylon means confusion in Hebrew.

When the Lord began to show me this, it all finally clicked. I had questioned for years how people could be so deceived when the word of God is very plainly written in black and white yet many are deceived into thinking evil is good and good is evil (Isaiah 5:20).

Although the Lord had shown me how each of the first three spirits worked so intricately together, I still could not fully understand how so many could be deceived until I saw how this huge spirit of confusion orchestrated by the devil himself uses the Great Harlot Babylon to leave the people in utter confusion so they can be led further and further into sin and idolatry. This spirit of confusion becomes like a fog to the people.

If there has ever been a time to pray not only for the lost but also for the church, it is now. I beseech you brethren to begin to fall on your faces and cry out to the One, True God that the eyes of deception are opened and scales begin to fall off so that many souls can be saved. Pray for God to open the eyes not only of those who are being deceived but also if not even more so for those who are leading others into this deception.

“Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”

So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written:


I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.
Revelation 17:1-6

Amanda Sexton

Take My Sword and Give it to My People

Recently, the Lord took me back to an encounter I had with Him a few years back where He said, “Take My fire and My sword and give it to My people.” This time He kept highlighting the sword.  I could see a beautiful sword shining so brightly.  It was as if there was a bright light shining behind it as it made the metal glisten intensely.

As I prayed and pondered upon what He was showing me, I knew exactly what He was saying and it stopped me right in my tracks. He was revealing to me that I had given a lot of attention to His fire, but it was time to shift and focus on His sword.  His sword symbolizes His word.  This is our number one weapon against the enemy, the sword of the Spirit which is the word of God.

The Holy Spirit reminded me that we must equip others for battle.  How did Jesus respond to the devil in the wilderness?  It is written!!!  If the people of God do not know the word of God, how are they to fight and come out victoriously?  Don’t take me wrong. I am not coming against the fire of God in anyway.  God did say, “Take My fire and My sword.”  We need them both.

We need the fire of God to be victorious and to be effective witnesses for Christ.  John the Baptist said that there was One mightier than him that was coming after him who would baptize in the Holy Ghost AND  fire (Matthew 3:11).  Jesus said in Acts 1, that in not many days they would be baptized in the Holy Ghost and they would receive power to be witnesses unto men.  So the baptism of fire is desperately needed today to enable us to carry His fire and His word to a lost and dying people.  Without the fire of God, people lose their drive and passion to carry His word and His love to others.

However, we must have balance.  We must have a balanced gospel.  We must teach people the truths of God’s word.  How will they ever know if we do not teach them?

Now, as I am thinking and praying, all I can do is think about the power in His word. There is power to save, to deliver, to heal. Whatever we have need of is in His word. No matter what the need is the answer can be found in His word. He said that He sent His word and healed them (Psalm 107:20).  He said that His word would not return unto Him void (Isaiah 55:11).  Do you get how powerful that is? He goes on to say that it will accomplish that for which He sent it to do.

One of my absolute favorite scriptures about the word of God is that His word is like a fire and like a hammer (Jeremiah 23:29). To me the fire instantly consumes a thing.  A hammer may be able to crush a thing, but many times a hammer is used repeatedly to chip away at something or to nail something in.  I believe this is a perfect picture of the word of God.  Sometimes the word works instantly and consumes the thing we are dealing with and we get an instant miracle; however, that does not always happen.  This is when we have to use the word like a hammer and keep hitting that thing we are facing with the word of God over and over.

Whatever you are facing, get in the word of God, see what His word says about your situation and stand on it, use it, don’t let up. No matter how the situation looks keeps using His word for it is alive and powerful and sharper than any two edged sword (Hebrews 4:12).

Although this blog has focused mostly on the word of God, I want to remind you that the word without the Spirit can be dangerous. It can be a sword used against other people and even ourselves rather than against the enemy it was intended to be used against which is Satan, if not absorbed and utilized through and by the Spirit of God. “For to be carnally minded is death, but to be spiritually minded is life” (Romans 8:6). Even how we absorb and receive the word of God matters.  If we look at it through a carnal mind, it can bring forth death through creating religion and condemnation, but when the Spirit of God is involved it brings forth life, not only to us but to others as well.

Lord help us all to remember that the word without the Spirit kills and forms dead, dry religion “for the letter killeth, but the Spirit giveth life” (2 Corinthians 3:6). We must always have the Spirit and the truth for Jesus said, “God is a Spirit: and they that worship Him must worship Him in Spirit and in truth” (John 4:24). The Spirit and the word, the fire and the sword, we must have balance.

Take the helmet of salvation and the sword of the Spirit, which is the word of God.  Ephesians 6:12

Amanda Sexton