The topic of this blog is not something I would normally write about; however, I have been unable to get away from it for a few months now. Every time I try to move away from it, the Lord draws me back to it. Therefore, I know it is not only extremely important for me as an intercessor as well as other intercessors but also for the body of Christ as a whole. I feel this is a huge warning and a serious cry for intercession.

Over a year ago, I had a very startling vision. It was nothing like what I normally see. In the vision, I saw Jezebel begin to form on the right. She looked unlike what I expected Jezebel to look like. However, I knew by the Spirit it was Jezebel. She had very long, straight, coal black hair with the top half of her hair braided in what looked something like a French braid. Her face was painted white and black, it looked almost like a mask but wasn’t. To the left, which would have been Jezebel’s right side, I saw a python appear. The python looked almost like a cartoon character. It was straight up and down like it was standing, and its face was turned to the side like it was choking with its tongue hanging out. I then saw another serpent type creature come into the scene. This creature began to wrap around and intertwine Jezebel and Python. The Spirit revealed to me immediately that this was Leviathan, the crooked, twisted serpent. The last thing I saw was a red dragon hovering over the other three. After I saw the red dragon, I kept hearing the “Great Whore Babylon.”

After much time in prayer and study, the Spirit began to open my eyes to see this is how much of the church, the body of Christ, is being deceived concerning false doctrines, specifically the hyper grace doctrine and universalism.

For those of you who do not understand the doctrines I just mentioned, in short, the hyper grace doctrine basically states that you can live however you want and do whatever you want and grace will cover it. This however is not true at all. I believe those who are being deceived by this doctrine and living this way are trampling the Son of God and His blood underfoot (Hebrews 10:29). Universalism teaches that there is one god, everyone believes in the same god, and there is no hell. However, Jesus tells us very plainly in scripture that He is the Way, the Truth, and the Life and that no one can go to the Father but by Him (John 14:6). The Bible is very clear about there being One, True God and that hell is a reality.

Now let’s look at how these spirits are at work to deceive God’s people.
Jezebel’s goal has always been to lead the church into sexual immorality, not only in the natural sense but also in the spiritual sense. We have been seeing this spirit working prevalently within the body of Christ for some time. Sexual immorality has been accepted not only among the congregation but even within many pulpits. This should not be so. Grace does not cover a lifestyle of sin and many are being led astray by this false doctrine and those who preach this will have the blood of others’ required upon their hands.

When Jezebel is unable to get God’s people to commit sexual immorality in the natural, she lures them into committing spiritual adultery against the Lord through idolatry by worshipping and serving other gods. This has always been her goal and will always be her goal (I Kings, Revelation 2).

Python is being used to quench the Spirit of God from flowing and to hinder prayer and intercession (Acts 16). A python squeezes its victim. This is what is happening to much of the church today. The Spirit of Truth is being squeezed and choked out. The agenda behind this is to allow Jezebel to lead the people of God astray while this python spirit quenches the Spirit of God so there is no conviction power (John 16:8). If the Spirit of God is hindered, there will be no conviction of sin; therefore, Jezebel can continue to reign and keep the people of God deceived and in their sin. Leviathan is then used to twist the truth. The fact that there is some truth is what makes it so easy for some to be deceived when this spirit is at work.

Now to look at the red dragon, the red dragon according to the book of Revelation is Satan. The Great Harlot of Babylon rides in on the scarlet beast/ the red dragon in Revelation 17. The word Babylon means confusion in Hebrew.

When the Lord began to show me this, it all finally clicked. I had questioned for years how people could be so deceived when the word of God is very plainly written in black and white yet many are deceived into thinking evil is good and good is evil (Isaiah 5:20).

Although the Lord had shown me how each of the first three spirits worked so intricately together, I still could not fully understand how so many could be deceived until I saw how this huge spirit of confusion orchestrated by the devil himself uses the Great Harlot Babylon to leave the people in utter confusion so they can be led further and further into sin and idolatry. This spirit of confusion becomes like a fog to the people.

If there has ever been a time to pray not only for the lost but also for the church, it is now. I beseech you brethren to begin to fall on your faces and cry out to the One, True God that the eyes of deception are opened and scales begin to fall off so that many souls can be saved. Pray for God to open the eyes not only of those who are being deceived but also if not even more so for those who are leading others into this deception.

“Come, I will show you the judgment of the great harlot who sits on many waters, with whom the kings of the earth committed fornication, and the inhabitants of the earth were made drunk with the wine of her fornication.”

So he carried me away in the Spirit into the wilderness. And I saw a woman sitting on a scarlet beast which was full of names of blasphemy, having seven heads and ten horns. The woman was arrayed in purple and scarlet, and adorned with gold and precious stones and pearls, having in her hand a golden cup full of abominations and the filthiness of her fornication. And on her forehead a name was written:


I saw the woman, drunk with the blood of the saints and with the blood of the martyrs of Jesus. And when I saw her, I marveled with great amazement.
Revelation 17:1-6

Amanda Sexton

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