What Time Is It?

Recently, in the Spirit I could see my right forefinger and middle finger tapping my left wrist where I would wear a watch.  I had been considering getting a watch for some time because I had started having trouble running late.  So, at first, I dismissed what I was seeing and thought, “Oh, God is trying to tell me I need to get a watch, so I can be on time.” But I saw it again.  This time I thought, “Ok, God is trying to tell me, it’s time- time to build, time to work.”  I thought this because we were getting ready to go into the New Year and I had been seeking the Lord for direction.  This is when God became much clearer, because honestly, I was allowing my mind to try to discern what He was trying to show me instead of taking time to slow down and allow God to reveal to me what He was trying to say by His Spirit. 

This time, I saw a clock.  I heard, “Time is wrapping up.”  He brought the clock before me more than one time.  Each time the hour hand was almost at the 12 and the minute hand was at the 11. The minute hand moved extremely fast to the 12, confirming what I was hearing, “Time is wrapping up.”  It was then that I knew I needed to slow down and pay attention and really seek the face of God for what He was trying to reveal to me.  As I got still, the first thing that came to me was the blood moon from 2019, I was then taken to the last full moon of the year that was so beautiful and bright.  It took some time in prayer and study for the fullness to be uncovered, but what He revealed was amazing. 

The blood moon occurred on January 20-21 of 2019 with a full eclipse at 12:12 am.  The last full moon of 2019 began on 12-12 with it reaching its fullness at 12:12 am on 12-13.  Do you see all these twelves?  Anyone who knows me well, knows I absolutely love numbers.  There are meanings behind numbers.  God does nothing by happenstance.  There is always meaning behind what He does.  Just like completing creation in six days and resting on the seventh day.  Six is the number of man, seven is the number of completion and perfection, eight is the number of new beginnings, but 12 is not a number that you hear about quite as much.  However, it holds great significance.  The number twelve represents governmental authority.  Think about it.  When Jesus chose his disciples, He picked 12.  When the disciples became apostles after Christ’s ascension, there were 12 set in order.  In Acts chapter one, Matthias was chosen by casting lots to be the 12th apostle due to Judas’ betrayal and death.  It wasn’t until he was chosen and the full twelve were once again set in order that the Spirit of God could be poured out on the Day of Pentecost. 

Now, some of you may be saying, the moon and numbers, I don’t know about all of that and that’s okay.  I was like that at one time as well.  I was never one to really say a whole lot about what I thought God was doing concerning the signs in the sky, but His word is very plain…Acts 2:19 quotes Joel 2:20 where God says that He “will show wonders in the heavens above and signs in the earth beneath, blood, and fire, and vapor of smoke.”  If that’s not clear enough and still has you questioning, especially after the blood connected with wonders in the heavens above, listen to this next scripture.  This was the one the Lord used to really get my attention.  Psalm 89:37 refers to the moon as the faithful witness in the sky- “It shall be established forever like the moon, even like the faithful witness in the sky.”

I believe God used His faithful witness, the moon, to even warn us that time is wrapping up.  If we cannot discern the times due to the state of the world we live in or by the fulfilling of biblical scripture, we have been sorely misled.  I’m not saying this to be doom and gloom, but rather the opposite.  If we are Christ’s and He is ours, end times should not be a scary thing or a depressing thing but exactly the opposite.  We should be rejoicing because our King, our Bridegroom, the Lover of our soul is soon coming for us!!! We should be excited about His soon return.  I am not saying anything specific is going to happen at any specific time.  I am not a date setter, but I am saying that God is speaking, and we should definitely take heed. 

The meaning God revealed about the blood moon and the last full moon each reaching their fullness at 12:12 am was absolutely glorious, in my opinion.  He revealed that the blood moon was a reminder that the blood has been applied, the blood of Jesus has been applied and He took His rightful place of authority.  He said, we needed to be reminded of that, of His bloodshed and His authority.  The last full moon of 2019 was one of the biggest, brightest, most beautiful moons I have ever seen in my life.  It looked like a huge white, glowing light.  He revealed this is like His glowing, white bride made pure and white as snow once the blood has been applied.  She is then prepared for battle and all authority is given to her as the Bride of Christ.  God wants us to receive the finished work of the cross through His blood, take our rightful place of authority as the shining Bride of Christ and occupy until He comes.  There’s work to be done.  Know who you are and whose you are and let’s get to work.  Time is wrapping up.

Arise, shine; For your light has come! And the glory of the LORD is risen upon you. Isaiah 60:1 

Amanda Sexton