I heard this phrase over and over last week after I almost ran my car into the exact same ditch where I wrecked nearly eight and a half years ago while pregnant with my youngest son. I immediately started wondering, “Why this same place and why now?” I drive down this road on almost a daily basis and many times multiple times a day. That’s when I began to think about the enemy and how he has specific patterns of attack. Just like how the word says there’s nothing new under the sun. The enemy has no new attacks. He uses the same tactics over and over.

As I began to pray about this, I remembered being pregnant when I wrecked and how by the grace of God my baby was absolutely fine, but the enemy’s plan was to abort my baby. He wasn’t able to take him out that day, so he tried again during birth. The umbilical cord was wrapped around his neck three times, his face was blue, and he didn’t cry when he came out. You have no idea unless you have been there, the fear, the paralyzing fear, that strikes you as a mother when your baby comes out and doesn’t make a sound. The nurse suctioned him, and he began to cry. I was relieved, but he was still blue. The nurse began giving him oxygen and his lips turned red. She said that meant that he had not been without oxygen long and there shouldn’t be any complications. He was an absolutely beautiful baby but the blue and purple bruising from lack of oxygen didn’t go away immediately. I dealt with fear for many years, questioning, “Would he develop correctly, would he be able to learn and keep up with others his age, would there be any learning difficulties?” Again, by the grace of God, I have a healthy, very healthy, smart and vibrant son who will be eight years old in May.

So, I began to question the Lord further concerning the connection between now and then. His answer was shocking. Satan wanted to destroy my natural baby then, he wishes to destroy my spiritual baby now. This word is not only for me, but for many others. You are carrying something that God wishes to use for His glory, but the enemy wishes to destroy. This ironically all tied in with a dream I had recently about an abortion clinic. I feel that what happened brought complete and full clarity and confirmation to what God was showing me through the dream. The enemy is trying to abort many spiritual babies.

Some are aborting their babies through reasoning, trying to understand everything, including the scriptures, carnally rather than spiritually which biblically brings forth death. Religion is killing many through doubt and thinking it must be a certain way. Many others are losing their spiritual babies because they have lost their focus and their passion. Their minds and hearts are not focused upon the One who placed the seed there in the first place. He is the only One who can plant the seed, and He is the only One who can allow it to fully come forth. If we don’t keep our gaze fully upon Him, it can cause us to abort, miscarry, deliver prematurely, or even birth something that is not of God or not God’s plan and purpose for our life.

Don’t allow this to be you. Don’t abort your baby. Don’t give up now. It’s not time to quit or allow the enemy to have your baby, your vision, your dream. It’s almost time to birth. Don’t lose your focus. Keep your eyes upon Jesus, the Author and Finisher of your faith, and push!!!

Do I bring to the moment of birth and not give delivery?” says the LORD. “Do I close up the womb when I bring to delivery?” says your God.  Isaiah 66:9