Let God Give the Increase

For a few weeks I have been very troubled in my spirit by visions and impressions I have been receiving from the Lord.

Multiple times God has spoken to me and revealed situations where people are being EXPLOITED in ministry, where they are being “used” for the gifting God has placed within them.

This is not the will of God.

We should want to receive and glean from what God has placed in others but when we “use” that gifting for our own personal gain we are in essence using God and His gifts as well as His children, for they are not our own.

Multiple times, in the last few weeks I have seen ladders. When I saw these ladders the Lord revealed to me many are trying to climb these ladders in their own strength and ways. They think they are excelling in “ministry” by climbing these ladders. However, they are climbing and entering through ways not ordained by God which is truly hindering their walk with Me- says God.

It’s a facade. It looks good and may even feel good but is not the perfect will of God. It’s not true increase given by the Lord. When He does the increasing no climbing is necessary, it all happens organically with correct intentions of the heart.

Now to more detailed and specific visions the Lord has given me over the last few weeks.

In one vision, I saw a minister literally stepping on other people, multiple people, to get to the top of the ladder.

This is not the will of God. The person may make it to the top, but they will be unable to stay there due to the motives of their heart and the tricks they used to get there.

Another specific vision was a minister desperately trying to climb a mountain with another minister behind them. Ever so often, they would stop and the second minister would pop up with a sign smiling like they had reach a marker within a race. Sadly, the second minister was unknowing of anything being done for selfish ambition, they were just excited to see what God was doing. However, they were being used and exploited by the first minister.

Again- this is not the will of God and will be dealt with by the sovereign God in His way and in His timing.

Last, but not least, and possibly the most troubling, I saw a man’s face and hand. I understood the Man to be Jesus. He looked very different than I had ever seen Him before due to being so close. The vision was very detailed and it was as if I was in the vision with Him. It was very real, not just something in my spirit, but I was there, with Jesus, watching this happen.

His thumb and forefinger seemed huge. His nose was highlighted and a major focus. I then saw Him grab a piece of wheat 🌾 and bring it toward His nose. I could tell it was pleasing to Him like a wonderful fragrance was being released. He released that piece then grabbed another piece of what I thought to be wheat, but when He got it to His nostrils I could tell it didn’t smell good to Him by His facial expression. He quickly removed it from Himself. I believe this to be a tare.

I immediately was taken to the scripture discussing how pride (thinking our way is right) is a stench in the nostrils of God (Isaiah 65).

We should always be advancing forward and going higher in God but never at the expense of others, our own integrity, or the possibility of attempting to take the glory that belongs to God and God alone.

Let’s pray for sincere repentance, meaning a change of mind which will lead to a change of heart and action, for those who have been affected by this. It’s a trick of the enemy to hinder the work of God and the people of God. God is sending out a clarion call for purity not only in action but also in motive.

Purify us, oh God. Purge Your Body. Purify Your Bride. Cleanse us and purify us. Create a pure, clean heart within us, oh mighty God. Psalm 41:10